
We're exhibiting @ Southern Wool Show
Southern Wool Show will be back this September 4th & 5th at Newbury Racecourse - and Woollen Wytch is exhibiting! Over the weekend, I'll be releasing new colourways, new stitch...
We're exhibiting @ Southern Wool Show
Southern Wool Show will be back this September 4th & 5th at Newbury Racecourse - and Woollen Wytch is exhibiting! Over the weekend, I'll be releasing new colourways, new stitch...

International Shipping Updates
A number of tax, delivery and confusing changes are currently underway that may affect the way you shop with Woollen Wytch. Yet again, the joys of running a small business in...
International Shipping Updates
A number of tax, delivery and confusing changes are currently underway that may affect the way you shop with Woollen Wytch. Yet again, the joys of running a small business in...

Warm & Fuzzies: The Oslo Hat
I first came across this pattern fairly early in my knitting days, when I was still new to Ravelry, and it quickly got buried under the many other projects saved...
Warm & Fuzzies: The Oslo Hat
I first came across this pattern fairly early in my knitting days, when I was still new to Ravelry, and it quickly got buried under the many other projects saved...

The Make Nine Challenge
I'm a little bit behind the times and have only just taken in and fully noticed the Make Nine Challenge. If, like me, you've not come across the #MakeNine Challenge...
The Make Nine Challenge
I'm a little bit behind the times and have only just taken in and fully noticed the Make Nine Challenge. If, like me, you've not come across the #MakeNine Challenge...

Sub Club Reveal - February Theme
January's Subscription boxes were posted out a few days ago and are already arriving at your lovely doors, so that can only mean it's time to reveal February's Subscription box...
Sub Club Reveal - February Theme
January's Subscription boxes were posted out a few days ago and are already arriving at your lovely doors, so that can only mean it's time to reveal February's Subscription box...

Merry Christmas from Woollen Wytch
I just wanted pop in today and wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have an absolute cracker of a day. I know most of us can't...
Merry Christmas from Woollen Wytch
I just wanted pop in today and wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have an absolute cracker of a day. I know most of us can't...